Case studies 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCase studiesGCSEAQA Created by: bethlsmithCreated on: 21-04-14 14:10 Fold mountains Andes 1 of 13 Volcanic eruption Puyehue 2 of 13 Poor earthquake Haiti 3 of 13 Rich earthquake Kobe 4 of 13 Tsunami Asia 5 of 13 Birth policy China 6 of 13 Non birth policy Kerala 7 of 13 Rich hot desert Sorona 8 of 13 Poor hot desert Thar 9 of 13 Squatter settlement redevelopment Dharavi 10 of 13 UK national park Lake District 11 of 13 Tropical mass tourism Jamaica 12 of 13 Extreme tourism Antarctica 13 of 13
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