Cell structure
4.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings
- Created by: rahza
- Created on: 22-08-17 23:05
What is magnification
Magnification is the number of times larger an image is than the real size of the object
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Formula of magnification
M= Size of the image /actual size
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What is resolution?
is the ability to distinguish between 2 objects very close together, the higher the resolution of an image the greater the details can be seen
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Why biological structures have to be stained
If an object is transparent, it will allow light waves to pass through it therefore it will still not be visible . This is why many biological structures have to be stained
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Electrons are very suitable form of radiation for 2 main reasons?
1. Wavelenght is extremely short. 2. They are negatively charged and can be easily focused using an electromagnet
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Function of Nucleus
Controls the cell activities
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Function of Nuclear Envelope
Nucleus is surrounded by 2 membranes called nuclear envelope , Nuclear envelope has small pores therefore it allows exchange between the nucleus and cytoplasm
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Function of Nucleolus
It is in nucleus and makes ribosomes using information in its own DNA
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Function of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Modifies the protein by adding carbohydrate
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Function of Smooth endoplasmic reticulem
Synthesis of Steriod for eg: Cholestrol and Hormones such as Estrogen and Testosterone
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Function of Golgi Body
It collects, processes and sorts molecules for transport
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Function of Lysosome
contains digestive enzymes for the breakdown of unwanted structures
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Function of Mitochondria
Synthesis of Lipids and Carry out Aerobic respiration
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Function of Cell surface membrane
Controls exchange between cell and its environment
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Function of microvilli
Increases the surface area of the cell surface membrane
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Function of microtubules
They makeup the cytoskeleton which help to determine the cell shape
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Function of Centriole
Helps in formation of spindle fiber that separates chromosomes during cell division
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Function of Cell wall
gives cell a definite shape and prevents cell from bursting when water enters by osmosis
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Function of Plasmodesmata
A channel through cell wall that allows molecules and substances to move back and forth as needed
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Function of Vacuole
Vacuole helps to regulate the osmotic properties of a cell
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Function of Tonoplast
Controls the exchange between vacuole and cytoplasm
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Function of Chloroplast
Contains Chlorophyll that absorbs light for photosynthesis
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Definition of eukaryotes
Organisms whose cells possess nuclei are called eukaryotes.Their DNA lies inside a nucleus. Eukaryotes include animals, plants, fungi and a group containing most of the unicellular eukaryotes known as protoctists
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Definition of prokaryotes
Organisms that lack nuclei are called prokaryotes
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Prokaryote cell
DNA is naked, No ER present, 70S ribosome, Very few cell Organelle, A circular DNA molecule not associated with histones
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ER is present, 80S Ribosome, Cell wall sometimes present, Several chromosomes made up of a linear DNA molecule assosiated with histones
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Virus consist of:
a self-replicating molecule of DNA or RNA which acts as its genetic code. A protective coat of protein molecules.
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How do virus infect other cells
The virus DNA or RNA takes over the protein synthesising machinery of the host cell, which then helps to make new virus particles.
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Function of Ribosomes
site of protein synthesis, Cytoplasm =80, Mitochondria and Chloroplast=70, Prokaryote=70
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Plan diagram
plan diagram shows the distribution of tissues in an organ, not individual cells.
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Cell wall in prokaryote cell
made of peptidoglycans
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Cell wall in Eukaryote cell (plant)
Made of cellulose
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Electron microscope VS Light microscope
Electron micrograph has higher resolution (0.5nm) as compared to light microscope (200nm). E.M has shorter wavelength, uses electron, dead specimen used, it is expensive, E.M can differentiate between 2 points
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Structure present in plant and not in animal cell
Centriole, cell wall, plasmodesmata and vacuole
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Formula of magnification
M= Size of the image /actual size
Card 3
What is resolution?

Card 4
Why biological structures have to be stained

Card 5
Electrons are very suitable form of radiation for 2 main reasons?

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