
  • Created by: 17bsmith
  • Created on: 08-03-18 17:09
Describe the organisation system in humans from cells up to organism
Tissues are made of one set of cells. Organs are made out of different tissues and organ systems are made out of organs.
1 of 6
Draw and label an animal cell
Nucleus - big oval Mitochondria - medium oval with wavy line on it. Cytoplasm - inside the cell membrane Cell membrane - the outside edge Vacuole - medium oval Ribosome - small oval
2 of 6
Draw and label a plant cell
Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria and vacuole Cell wall between the cytoplasm and cell membrane.
3 of 6
Give the functions of organelles with plant and animal cells
Nucleus - controls the cell. Cytoplasm - where reactions happen. Cell membrane - controls what comes in and out of the cell. Mitochondria - produce energy Vacuole - contains cell sap. Ribosomes - creates protein.
4 of 6
Identify some specialised cells
Sperm cell, ova, red blood cell and nerve cells.
5 of 6
Explain how specialised cells are adapted for their functions
Sperm cell: mitochondria and a motorized tail to give energy so that it can swim. Ova: it has lot of cytoplasm and is large. Red blood cell: large surface area for the oxygen to pass through and contains no nucleus. Nerve cells: It is long and can co
6 of 6

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Card 2


Draw and label an animal cell


Nucleus - big oval Mitochondria - medium oval with wavy line on it. Cytoplasm - inside the cell membrane Cell membrane - the outside edge Vacuole - medium oval Ribosome - small oval

Card 3


Draw and label a plant cell


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give the functions of organelles with plant and animal cells


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Identify some specialised cells


Preview of the front of card 5
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