No, as it needs a host cell to replicate and survive.
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What are the types of prokaryotes?
bacteria/eubacteria and Achaea/archaeons.
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What are the components of a bacterial cell?
Nucleoid, plasmid, ribosomes, storage granules, mesosome, lamellae, vesicles, tubules and microcompartments, bacterial cell wall, capsule and flagellum
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What is the plasmid?
They are parasitic DNA that use the bacteria to replicate, can be passed vertically or horizontally.
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What is the nucleoid?
where "naked" DNA is located, formed into a supercoiled double stranded DNA. The DNA doesn’t have introns and genes are grouped into operons.
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What have plasmids allowed?
The increased knowledge surrounding cloning and expressing recombinant DNA in vivo. They can also be easily manipulated in vitro
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How are plasmids transferred horizontally?
F plasmid causes a hollow tube to grow from the cell wall which conjugates with an uninfected cell, the plasmid is copied and transferred to the other cell.
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What sedimentation constant do the ribosomes have?
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What do the storage granules store?
carbon, with either glycogen or poly beta hydroxybutyrate (stains with Sudan black)The glycogen granules are small and dispersed throughout the cytoplasm.
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What are the mesosomes?
aggregates of tubular membrane structures, come from the plasma membrane and may be produced from EM preparation.
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What are the lamellae, vesicles, tubules and microcompartments involved in?
specific metabolic activities. found normally in eubacterial cells.
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What is different amount the membrane in a prokaryote and eukaryote?
Prokaryote contains hopenoids not sterols.
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What does the bacterial cell wall do?
resists internal osmotic pressure and prevents bursting in hypotonic environments. Also determines cell structure. Peptidoglycan is the main component, which is made of repeating units of n-acetyl glucosamine and n-acetyl muramic acid in a beta 1-4 l
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What is the capsule?
layer of polysaccharides and glycoprotein creates a slime surrounding the bacteria (optional). Colonies appear shiny on an agar plate. Is important in attachment of bacteria to other cells.
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What is the periplasmic space?
space between membrane and peptidoglycan layer, filled with loose peptidoglycan network and enzymes for nutrient acquisition.
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What does the flagellum do?
made of flagellin that has low amounts of sulphur containing amino acids and has high levels of aspartic and glutamic acid. Is a bacterial propeller, allowing transport.
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