Centre of mass and balancing
Centre of mass and balancing
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Sophie kendall
- Created on: 26-04-12 09:19
Other questions in this quiz
2. where will a suspended object come to rest
- with it’s COM directly below it’s point of suspension.
- with it’s COM directly above it’s point of suspension.
- it will float off into space
3. what is it called when the object has come to rest
- gone
- at equilibrium
- balanced
4. how do you find the centre of mass
- draw lines from all the corners and see where they cross
- draw the lines of symmetrey
- draw random lines and hope for the best
5. for an object to be balanced it must...
- be a flamingo
- have the clockwise and anti-clockwise moments not equal
- have the clockwise and anti-clockwise moments equal
- have gravity holding it up