Change in Attitudes and Polices towards Poor 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryElizabethan EnglandGCSEEdexcel Created by: Simran MankooCreated on: 23-10-18 23:08 Who was often seen to make no attempt to find work? Vagabonds 1 of 13 What was idleness seen as? A sin 2 of 13 Why was the poor and vagabonds feared? They may spread the plague or cause a rebellion 3 of 13 What was the Elizabethan poor law? It categorised different classes of poor 4 of 13 When was this act passed? 1563 5 of 13 What was deserving poor? Young, old and infirm 6 of 13 Who were serving unemployed? Those who could work but couldn't find any 7 of 13 Who were idle poor? Beggars who turned to crime 8 of 13 What could the local parish do for the poor? Collect money and help hem 9 of 13 What was the Vagabonds Act? If people were caught begging, they would be whipped and burned through the ear 10 of 13 when was the act passed? 1572 11 of 13 what was the 1576 Act for the Relief of Poor? Each country had to build houses of correction 12 of 13 What happened in these place? They were forced to work 13 of 13
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