Any two from: life expectancy, birth rate, death rate, literacy rate, infant mortality rate, people per doctor, access to safe water supply, GDP, or any other relevant indicators
3 of 17
Name one historical reason that may have affected a country’s level of development
Colonialism or conflict
4 of 17
Give one example of a way that the international community can help reduce the global development gap?
Name the country example we have studied that has used tourism as a way of reducing the global development gap.
6 of 17
Explain one way in which tourism has helped our case study example country to develop.
Tourism has provided over 370,000 jobs, giving people an income to pay for food, healthcare, housing. The money that Tunisia’s government earns from tourism is put towards things like healthcare. Improving people’s health, diets & life expectancy
7 of 17
We have learnt about the case-study of Nigeria – an NEE in Africa. In which part of Africa is Nigeria located?
West Africa
8 of 17
Give two reasons why Nigeria has significantly gained in importance over the past 25 years?
Discovery of oil and gas / Growth of manufacturing industry / Growth of service sector jobs / TNCs moving in to the country / Growth of film industry – ‘Nollywood’
9 of 17
Name the disease transmitted by mosquitoes that contributes to Nigeria’s high death rate
10 of 17
State one way in which charities are helping to lower the numbers affected by this disease
Giving families mosquito nets, educating people, improving access to health care
11 of 17
In which region of Nigeria are most of its oil fields located?
Niger Delta
12 of 17
What does the acronym ‘TNC’ stand for?
Transnational Corporation / Company
13 of 17
Which major TNC plays a significant role in Nigeria’s economy?
14 of 17
State one benefit that this company has bought to Nigeria.
Jobs / infrastructure / community investment e.g. schools & clinics / new expertise and skills bought to country
15 of 17
Give one example of an environmental issue that has been caused by economic growth in Nigeria
Pollution of water sources from oil spills/leaks / Increased air pollution from shipping/transport / Natural landscape damaged due to drilling
16 of 17
Name the country that is currently investing heavily in Nigeria in return for the exploitation of its resources
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does the acronym ‘GNI’ stand for?
Gross National Income
Card 3
Give two examples of measures of development
Card 4
Name one historical reason that may have affected a country’s level of development
Card 5
Give one example of a way that the international community can help reduce the global development gap?
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