They recored negative economic growth which led to people questioning communism
1 of 15
Who proposed economic reforms in Czechoslovakia in mi-1960s?
Professor Ota Sik
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What did these reforms include?
An end to centrally planned economic targets greater rights for consumers and workers, and an increase in private enterprise.
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What did Sik argue was needed for these economic reforms?
Political reform
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Why did Brezhnez have to intervene in Czechoslovkia?
His ideas were gaining popularity
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What happened in JAn 1968 in Czechoslovkia?
Antonin Novotny was pressured into resigning and was replaced with Alexander Dubcek.
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What reforms did Dubcek introduce which surpirsed the USSR?
-A shift from heavy industry to consumer goods. -THe allowance of non-party institutions such as trade union. -Increased ights for Slovak minoirty -Ecnomic freedom -Free speech
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What did Dubcek assure Moscow so he could introduce these reforms?
Czech would remain part of the Warsaw pact
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When did Warsaw troops invade Czechoslovkia?
20th August 1968
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What was Dubcek forced to do?
He was forced to sign a document repealing the reforms
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What did NATO do?
They condem it but took no action.
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Who was Dubcek repalced by in April 1969?
Gustav Husak
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When did Brezhnez set out his doctrine and where?
November 1968 in a speech to Polish workers.
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What did the doctrine include?
-The USSR was determined to keep in place the communsit regimes that already existed. -Regimes woudl not be overthrown -All communist states had to protect communism.
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What did the Brezhnez doctrine do outside its sphere?
Confirmed the Sino-Soviet split and halted disarmament talks with the US.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who proposed economic reforms in Czechoslovakia in mi-1960s?
Professor Ota Sik
Card 3
What did these reforms include?
Card 4
What did Sik argue was needed for these economic reforms?
Card 5
Why did Brezhnez have to intervene in Czechoslovkia?
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