Chapter 7

: a sequence of instructions that solve a problem or perform a task.
1 of 10
Breaking down a problem into smaller problems so that each one can be solved individually, to build a solution.
2 of 10
Taking away detail that is not important so that we can focus on the detail that is important.
3 of 10
Algorithmic Thinking
Thinking logically about the steps that are needed to solve a problem and the order in which they need to be applied.
4 of 10
Computational thinking
breaking problems down in a logical way in order to find a solution.
5 of 10
Bubble Sort:
Easiest to code but it is the least efficient.
6 of 10
Merge Sort
. It can be a more efficient sorting algorithm as it makes the lists smaller, so they become easier to sort.
7 of 10
Insertion Sort
An insertion sort is used to sort a data set into order by looking at each item in turn and placing it in the correct order in the data set. It starts with the second item in a list and looks at whether all the items before it are less than it.
8 of 10
Linear search
moves through each data item one by one.
9 of 10
Binary search
. A binary searching algorithm works by dividing a list in half and looking at the item in the middle. If when the list is split there is an even number of items on each side, we look at the first item on the right-hand side.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Breaking down a problem into smaller problems so that each one can be solved individually, to build a solution.



Card 3


Taking away detail that is not important so that we can focus on the detail that is important.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Thinking logically about the steps that are needed to solve a problem and the order in which they need to be applied.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


breaking problems down in a logical way in order to find a solution.


Preview of the back of card 5
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