Chemisrty Random Chemistry Quiz 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryGCSEAll boards Created by: Jack HollingworthCreated on: 19-03-12 12:21 What is the name given to the table that contains all the Elements? Periodic Table 1 of 10 How many electrons does Hydrogen Contain? 1 2 of 10 Who created the modern day Periodic table? Deimetree Mendeleave 3 of 10 How many hydrogen atoms doesMethane contain ? 4 4 of 10 What is the strongest pH concentration of an acid? 1 5 of 10 What ions does hard water contain? Calcium and Mangnesium 6 of 10 How do you make Hard water Soft? Pass it through an ion exchange colum 7 of 10 How many Electrons does Gold Contain? 79 8 of 10 what type of bonding holds elements together? Covelant 9 of 10 What is Better? Chemistry 10 of 10