Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryEnergy of reactions/Exothermic and endothermic reactionsGCSENone Created by: lozzieboz13Created on: 04-11-15 12:59 Chemical reactions that give OUT energy are called EXOTHERMIC 1 of 10 Chemical reactions that take IN energy are called ENDOTHERMIC 2 of 10 In an ......... reaction the temperature of the reaction mixture falls What's the missing word? ENDOTHERMIC 3 of 10 In an .......... reaction the temperatre of the reaction mixture rises. What's the missing word? EXOTHERMIC 4 of 10 Burning a fuel in air is an ............ reaction What's the missing word? EXOTHERMIC 5 of 10 An acid reacting with an alkali is an .........,. reaction What's the missing word? EXOTHERMIC 6 of 10 Dissolving sherbet in water is an ......... reaction What's the missing word? ENDOTHERMIC 7 of 10 A reaction when heat energy is given out EXOTHERMIC 8 of 10 A reaction where heat energy is taken in ENDOTHERMIC 9 of 10 This scientific word for a burnig COMBUSTION 10 of 10
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