Chemistry 4.8 - Organic Synthesis and Analysis 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryExperimental Analysis.A2/A-levelWJEC Created by: Tashaleese_99Created on: 24-05-17 20:12 Miscible Relating to two substances (often liquids) that can dissolve into one another. 1 of 26 How can you separate miscible liquids? Distillation. 2 of 26 What if the boiling temperatures of the miscible liquids are close together? Fractional distillation - this method uses a fractional column which enables a more efficient separation. 3 of 26 What if the miscible compounds decompose before reaching their boiling point/ have a high boiling point? Steam distillation can be used. 4 of 26 Alternative to steam distillation? Vacuum distillation - reduces the pressure, enabling the compounds to boil at lower temperatures. 5 of 26 How can you separate immiscible liquids? Steam distillation. 6 of 26 Process of solvent extraction? Occurs if two solvents are immiscible - they will form two separate layers. 7 of 26 Insoluble solid separation. This can either be carried out using filter paper and a funnel OR a Buchner flask (creates a vacuum for more efficient filtration). 8 of 26 Recrystallisation 1. Dissolve the solute in a minimum volume of HOT SOLVENT. 2. Filter HOT. 3. Allow to cool. 4. Filter COLD. 5. Wash the solid and allow to dry. 9 of 26 Polymerisation The joining of a large number of monomer molecules. 10 of 26 Addition polymerisation They form when the double bond of an alkene breaks. No groups are lost. 11 of 26 Condensation polymers They occur when a large number of monomers join together with the loss of small molecules. 12 of 26 There are two types of condensation polymers. Name them. Polyesters and polyamides. 13 of 26 Polyesters They form when a diol reacts with a diacid. 14 of 26 Polyamide They form when a diacid reacts with a diamine. 15 of 26 Both polyesters and polyamides must begin with... A carbonyl group. 16 of 26 Polyesters must end with... The 'O' of an alcohol. 17 of 26 PET is formed from the reaction between... Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid and ethane-1,2-diol. 18 of 26 Nylon 6,6 has... 6 carbons in its acid group and 6 carbons in its amine group. 19 of 26 Chromatography The process is used to separate substances from a mixture by their slow movement, at different rates, through or over a stationary phase. 20 of 26 Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is performed on... A layer of silica/aluminium oxide coated onto a plastic plate. 21 of 26 How do you calculate the retention factor? Distance travelled by spot ÷ distance travelled by solvent front. 22 of 26 Sometimes chromatography does not completely separate the spots. What can be done to correct this? TWO WAY SEPARATION - the dried chromatogram may be rotated 90 degrees and placed in other solvent. 23 of 26 Advantages of TLC? It is faster, and gives better separations that paper chromatography - the bands are thicker and further spaced out. 24 of 26 Mass spectroscopy is used to find the... Relative atomic mass of an element. 25 of 26 Mass spectroscopy measures two things. Name them. 1. The mass of each of the different isotopes of an element. 2. The percentage abundance of each of these isotopes. 26 of 26
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