chemistry; C4 0.0 / 5 ? ScienceAtomsGCSEOCR Created by: waadaberaCreated on: 07-12-15 10:45 which subatomic partical is positively charged? Protons 1 of 8 how much electrons can the first shell on an electronic structure hold? two 2 of 8 what diagram is used to show ionic bonding? dot and cross 3 of 8 what is it called when positive ions attract to negative ions ionic bonding 4 of 8 the number of occupied shells in the electronic structure effect what format elements 5 of 8 what is it called when non metals combine covalent compound 6 of 8 what group on the periodic table reacts with water vigorously? group 1 7 of 8 which element in group 1 produces a lilac flame in the flame test? potassium 8 of 8
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