Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? SciencePhysicsGCSENone Created by: spambeth12Created on: 25-04-15 09:50 A ball travels across a room, it travels 5m in 2 seconds- calculate the speed: 2.5m/s. If you run 100m in 20 seconds- are you faster than the ball, yes 1 of 11 When a car is going at 40 mph, how far will it travel in 15 minutes? 10 miles 2 of 11 What does the gradient show on a distance-time graph? The speed of an object moving 3 of 11 How would you calculate the relative speed of two trains travelling in the same direction? Subtract their speeds 4 of 11 What are the units of force? What would you use to measure force? N (Newtons) and a newton meter 5 of 11 What is a pivot? A pivot is a point around which a rotation happens- like the middle of a seesaw 6 of 11 What is a moment? Give the formula for a moment: Moments occur when a force acts on something which has a pivot. Moment = force x perpendicular distance 7 of 11 What does ‘balanced moments’ mean? Anticlockwise movements = Clockwise movements 8 of 11 A force of 100n is put 1m away from the middle of a seesaw. What distance from the middle should a force of 50n be applied to balance the seesaw? 2m 9 of 11 What is pressure? Give the formula for pressure: Pressure is how much force is put on a certain area. Pressure = force / Area 10 of 11 A force of 200n acts on an area of 2m2. Calculate the pressure: 100n/m2 or p 11 of 11
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