Chemistry C3 0.0 / 5 ? ScienceChemistryGCSEOCR Created by: inw0nd3rl4ndCreated on: 09-01-14 13:55 Why is graphite a good lubricant? It has layers of carbon particles. These layers slide over each other. 1 of 10 Give 3 examples of exothermic reactions. Combustion, respiration, burning & reactions between metals and acids. 2 of 10 What does 'exothermic' mean? A reaction which lets our heat. 3 of 10 Give 3 examples of carbon structures. Carbon-60 (buckminster fullerine/C60), diamonds & graphite. 4 of 10 What is batch production? Production in small amounts. 5 of 10 How do you work out percentage yield? actual yield/predicted yield X 100 6 of 10 Why does increasing concentration increase reaction rates? There are more particles in the same volume and that means an increaed success rate. 7 of 10 Why does increasing the temperature increase reaction rates? The heat gives particles more energy which means particles move faster and therefore have an increased rate of successful collisions. 8 of 10 Why does using powders instead of small solids increase reaction rates? The powder has a larger surface area which means more particles are exposed and ready to react. 9 of 10 What are allotropes? Different structures of the same particles. 10 of 10
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