Chemistry crossword 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryRate of reactionGCSEAQA Created by: trinity-mCreated on: 17-05-15 15:57 A ________ speeds up a reaction without getting used up itself catalyst 1 of 7 When temperature is increased, the particles are more likely to _______ with each other collide 2 of 7 Increasing the ________ increases the chances of successful collisions because the volume is smaller pressure 3 of 7 Increasing the _____________ means there are more particles able to collide concentration 4 of 7 Increasing the _______ ____ means there are more particles exposed surface area 5 of 7 The minimum amount of energy needed for the particles to react activation energy 6 of 7 Catalysts are normally different types of ______, for example, iron metals 7 of 7