chemistry equations 0.0 / 5 ? Chemistrychemistry equationsASAQA Created by: sarahbrennan98Created on: 07-04-15 12:34 how do you calculate mass of substance? mass of substance = no. moles X Mr 1 of 8 what is the ideal gas equation? pV = nRT 2 of 8 what is the concentration equation? no. moles = concentration X volume (dm^3) 3 of 8 how do you find the number of moles of a gas? no. moles = volume (dm^3) / 24 4 of 8 how do you calculate the percentage yeild? % yeild = actual yeild / theoretical yeild X 100 5 of 8 what is the equation for atom economy? atom economy = mass of desired product / mass of total reactants 6 of 8 how do you caculate enthalphy change of a reaction? entahlphy change = energy of reactants - energy of products 7 of 8 what is the enthalphy change equation? q = mass of water X specific heat capacity X change in temperature 8 of 8
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