Chemistry GCSE Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures. 1.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryGCSEAll boards Created by: Emily-JaneCreated on: 08-05-11 10:41 A molecule with two atoms in it is called a...? Diatomic Molecule 1 of 7 What is the most common element in the air, by 78%? Nitrogen 2 of 7 Carbon + oxygen > ..............? Carbon Dioxide 3 of 7 A compound is a substance that is made of two or more different elements, which are...? Chemically bounded 4 of 7 What are easyer to separate coumpounds, or mixtures? Mixtures 5 of 7 How easy is it to separate two original elements out again? Very difficult 6 of 7 Crude oil is a mixture of....? different lengh hydrocarbon molecules. 7 of 7