Chemistry revision cards
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- Created by: Gemma
- Created on: 11-04-14 10:52
Hydrolysis of an alkene
Phosphoric acid catalyst absorbed onto silica and steam. 300 degrees , 30 atm OR concentrated H2SO4 with water , 1atm
1 of 67
Addition of Br (l) to alkene
Room temp
2 of 67
Addition of Br (aq) to alkene
Room temp
3 of 67
Hydrogenation of an alkene
Platinum catalyst + room temp OR nickel catalyst, 150 degrees + 5 atm
4 of 67
Alkene to halogenoalkane
room temp
5 of 67
R-Hal + OH
concentrated NaOH , ethanol (solvent) , heat under reflux
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R-Hal + H2O
Heat under reflux , H20
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R-Hal + NH3
heat in a sealed tube , conc NH3
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Alkane + Br2 (l)
9 of 67
Alcohol to halogenoalkane
concentrated H2SO4 + NaBr (s) - if making bromoalkane
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Oxidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde
Distillation + acidified potassium dichromate
11 of 67
Oxidation of a primary alcohol to COOH
Reflux + acidified potassium dichromate
12 of 67
Oxidation of a secondary alcohol to ketone
Reflux + acidified potassium dichromate
13 of 67
Give an example of an electrophillic addition reaction
Alkene + halogen
14 of 67
Give an example of an electrophilic substitution reaction
Benzene reaction
15 of 67
Give an example of a nucleophillic substitution reaction
Reactions of R-Hal with amine, water, alcohol & making an halogenoalkane from an alcohol
16 of 67
What is an electrophile?
An electrophile is a species (molecule/ion) with a partial positive charge which will be attracted to a negatively charged region + react by accepting a lone pair of electrons from a covalent bond
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What is a nucleophile?
Is a species (molecule/negatively charged ion) with a lone pair of electrons that it can donate to a positive charged atom to form a covalent bond
18 of 67
What is Iron (III) chloride for + describe any colour change?
Phenol + its derivative - changes from colourless to purple
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What are the advantages + disadvantages of reacting phenol with ethanoic anhydride?
Advantage: not too unpleasant/dangerous Disadvantage: not as reactive as ethanoyl chloride
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What are the advantages + disadvantages of reacting phenol with ethanoyl chloride?
Advantage: much more reactive than ethanoic anhydride Disadvantage: toxic + hazardous
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In the electrophillic addition of the cyanide ion to aldehyde where does the lone pair go?
Lone pair on the Carbon of the cyanide ion + when the oxygen has been given the bonding pair from the double bond
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In the electrophillic addition of the cyanide ion to aldehyde where are there any charges?
Partial charge on the aldehyde (delta positive for the carbon and oxygen) , negative charge above the C in the cyanide ion , and on the oxygen after the double bond has been broken
23 of 67
State the stages in the electrophillic addition reaction of aldehyde and cyanide ion
1. The cyanide ion approached the aldehyde 2. the lone pair on the cyanide ion forms a new covalent bond with the carbon in the aldehyde 3. the double bond between the C & O break- this leaves the O with a lone pair + negative charge
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Definition of Combinatorial Chemistry?
used to make a large number of related compounds (analogues) together, so that their potential effectiveness as medicines can be assessed by large-scale screening
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 15?
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 77 ?
Phenyl/phenol - C6H5
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 17?
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 28?
C=O or C2H4
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 29?
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 43?
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In mass spec - which molecular ion is responsible for a peak at 45?
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In TLC why is a watch glass used to cover the silica plate?
Prevents evaporation of the solvent + ensure equilibria/equal exposure to the vapour , so that the space is saturated with solvent vapour
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What are the basic principle of TLC?
The compounds in the mixture have different affinities for the solvent , so each compound will move through the solvent at different rates?
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Which question does Step I in clinical trials aim to answer?
Is it safe?
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Which question does Step II in clinical trials aim to answer?
Does it work?
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Which question does Step III in clinical trials aim to answer?
Is it more effective than the standard treatment?
37 of 67
Purpose of Seperating funnel?
used to purify an organic liquid after it has been synthesised
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Purpose of distillation?
to seperate 2/more miscible liquids with different boiling points
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Purpose of reflux?
reactions involving volatile liquids to prevent reactant/products escaping during the reaction
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Purpose of TLC?
purify organic compounds
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Purpose of recrystallisation?
purify solid organic molecules
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Purpose of Redox titration?
to find the unknown concentration of a substance
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Purpose of colorimetry?
To find out the concentration of a coloured solution
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Name C3H8O2
Propane - 1,3-diol
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Name C3H7OH
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Ethanoic acid
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1,3-propane dioc acid
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Name C6H5OH
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Name CH3COCl
Ethanoyl chloride
53 of 67
Ethanoic anhydride
54 of 67
2-amino propane
55 of 67
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methoxypropane (shortest chain = oxy)
57 of 67
58 of 67
Define Thermoplastic
Materials which contain polymers with no cross-links between the chains . The weak IM can be broken on heating + reformed on cooling
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Define Thermoset
Materials which contain extensive cross-linking. They stay set in the same shape when heated
60 of 67
Are all nitrates soluble?
61 of 67
Are all chloride soluble?
Yes, except AgCl + PbCl2
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Are all sulfates soluble?
Most except - BaSO4 , PbSO4 + SrSO4
63 of 67
Are all carbonates soluble?
All are insoluble, except NH4 + and those of group 1 elements
64 of 67
Are all sodium salts soluble?
65 of 67
Are all potassium salts soluble?
66 of 67
Are all ammonium salts soluble?
67 of 67
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Addition of Br (l) to alkene
Room temp
Card 3
Addition of Br (aq) to alkene

Card 4
Hydrogenation of an alkene

Card 5
Alkene to halogenoalkane

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