shape retenshion, when heated changed shape when cooled remember thedeformed shape but when heated can go back to original shape used for card doos ion accident
1 of 6
what are the properties of memeory shape alloys
nickel or titanium, shaper retention memenery when heated rmebers origingal shape, used for tea pots
2 of 6
thermochromis paints
changs shape for range of temps
3 of 6
phtochromic pianst
when expoed to light or uv light chnages shape
4 of 6
cross linked polymes can absorb or expell watere with a astimulus e.g temp
5 of 6
what are nano materials
nano scale silever particles used fopr linings of fridges for antibacteria
6 of 6
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Card 2
what are the properties of memeory shape alloys
nickel or titanium, shaper retention memenery when heated rmebers origingal shape, used for tea pots
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