Chicken quiz 0.0 / 5 ? MedicineChickensUniversityNone Created by: ZaftihawlkCreated on: 31-01-23 22:12 How long is gestation in chickens? 22 days 1 of 15 What are home office regulations for embryo use? Unable to use after day 10 because the organs + tissues become apparent 2 of 15 What is the proventriculus responsible for? Digestive enzyme secretion 3 of 15 What part of the foregut function as teeth? Ventriculus/gizzard 4 of 15 What is the ratio of CALCIUM:PHOSPHOROUS for layers? 13:1 5 of 15 What is the common name for pododermatitis? Bumblefoot 6 of 15 What is the optimal housing temperature for day old chicks? 35C 7 of 15 What is the correct term for a young hen? Pullet 8 of 15 What role does light play in egg production in layers? Increasing day length will bring pullet into lay 9 of 15 What division of the government regulates welfare policies? DEFRA 10 of 15 What is the stocking density for layers? Must NOT exceed 11 hens per m2 11 of 15 What is the stocking density for broilers? Must NOT exceed 33kg per m2 12 of 15 What vice is common in chickens? Feather pecking 13 of 15 What does BANTAM mean? Miniature size 14 of 15 What kind of breeds are ISA BROWN + HAMBURGS for? Layers 15 of 15
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