Child Development

Name the types of different families
Nuclear, Same-Sex, single-parent, adoptive, foster, extended, reconstituted
1 of 11
What are hormones?
Hormones are chemical messages produced from our endocrine glands. e.g. testosterone, oestrogene etc.
2 of 11
What is reproduction?
Reproduction is the process in which a male's sperm penetrates a female's egg through surrogace or intercourse in order to produce off-spring
3 of 11
What happens during menstruation?
The lining of the uterus leaves the body as a flow of blood and only happens if the egg is not fertilised
4 of 11
Why do multiple pregnancies take place?
Multiple pregnancies often occur because too many eggs are released. This often happens due to recieving fertility treatment. Sometimes having IVF treatment results in quintuplets and sextuplets
5 of 11
At 40 weeks what is the placenta like?
At 40 weeks the placenta is about 2.5cm thick and 20cm wide
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What is the function of the umbilical cord?
The umbilical cord carries blood and nutrients to the feutus and removes waste products
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What does pre-conceptual care involve?
Pre-conceptual care involves preparing for pregancy and thinking about possible changes to lifestyle that would improve the cahnces of having a healthy pregnancy and labour
8 of 11
What are the effects of smoking and alcohol during pregnancy?
Smoking and drinking is important because it can affect a woman's fertlity and lower a man's sperm count. Some risks to the baby are: premature birth, miscarriage, still birth, low birth rate and poor growth
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Who is responsible for antenatal care?
A midwife is responsible for antenatal care
10 of 11
Name some of the tests during pregnancy
Ultrasound, urine test, check blood pressure, check baby's heartbeat, blood test, height and weight
11 of 11

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Card 2


What are hormones?


Hormones are chemical messages produced from our endocrine glands. e.g. testosterone, oestrogene etc.

Card 3


What is reproduction?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens during menstruation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do multiple pregnancies take place?


Preview of the front of card 5
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