Child Development Key Words 0.0 / 5 ? Child DevelopmentChild Development Key WordsOtherOCR Created by: Star4321Created on: 24-04-19 17:27 The fluid that surrounds the baby amniotic fluid 1 of 11 a severe allergic reaction and a life-threatening situation anaphylactic shock 2 of 11 before the baby is born antenatal 3 of 11 when a baby is delivered through a surgical incision made in the mother's abdomen and uterus caesarean 4 of 11 an item or situation that may cause harm hazard 5 of 11 when an organism has the ability to resist disease immunity 6 of 11 flat, round organ in the womb of a pregnant woman that supplies the baby with all the oxygen, food and nutrients it needs placenta 7 of 11 after the birth of the baby postnatal 8 of 11 baby born before week 37 of pregnancy premature 9 of 11 likelihood of a hazard actually causing harm risk 10 of 11 a bilogical preparation that provides or improves immunity to a specific disease, commonly given via injection vaccine 11 of 11
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