Proposed LAD. An innate ability to acquire language. Universal grammar (all children make similar mistakes at similar ages). However, Genie shows children also need caregiver interactions.
1 of 11
Bruner's LASS
Proposed LASS. Children rely upon the experience and knowledge of an older adult. Caregivers ask questions, rephrase utterances.
2 of 11
Skinner's Behaviorism
Highlighted the importance of imitation and reinforcement.
3 of 11
Piaget's Developmental Stages
Categorised cognitive development, emphasising its connection to interaction with the world through asking questions: sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational.
4 of 11
Piaget's Cognitive Development
Asserted that children need to develop certain mental abilities before acquiring some aspects of language.
5 of 11
Halliday's Taxonomy
Instrumental (fulfill a need); Regulatory (influence others); Interactional (develop social relationships); Personal (express personal preferences & identity); Representational (exchange info); Heuristic (explore environment); Imaginative
6 of 11
Nelson's First 50 Words
60% are Naming. Actions/Events. Describing. Personal (only 8%).
7 of 11
Wug Test
"One wug, now there are two [wugs]"
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Categorical (dog for all animals); Analogical (similarities in appearance, dog's nose and olives); Mismatch ('duck' when seeing a pond)
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8 Stages of CLA
Vegetative (0-4); Vocal Play (4-7); Babbling (7-12); Proto Words (9-12); Holophrastic (12-18); Two-words (18-24); Telegraphic (24-36); Post-Telegraphic (36+)
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Child Directed Speech (CDS)
Adults change their speech for children. Use changes in intonation, pitch, elongation of words. Simplified lexis ("nana" for "banana"). Proper nouns for pronouns: "Give Mummy your hand". Repeat child's name. Present tense used more than past.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Proposed LASS. Children rely upon the experience and knowledge of an older adult. Caregivers ask questions, rephrase utterances.
Bruner's LASS
Card 3
Highlighted the importance of imitation and reinforcement.
Card 4
Categorised cognitive development, emphasising its connection to interaction with the world through asking questions: sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational.
Card 5
Asserted that children need to develop certain mental abilities before acquiring some aspects of language.
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