China - Social and cultural changes 1949-76

How was the status of women changing?
Before 1949 women had a subservient role, arranged marriages common, subservient to father, husband ans sons, no education, foot binding practised.
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When was the marriage law and what effect did it have?
1950, concubines and arranged marriages banned, equal statues in home as husband, money and gift in return for marriage banned, wife could inherit husbands property, divorce made easier.
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Negatives of the marriage law
Divorce rates rose, husbands lost what they saw as financial investments, violence broke out in poorer families as armed obs tried to reclaim divorced wives. Property rights gained by law were lost
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What was the impact of collectivisation and communes on the lives of women
New marriage law became irrelevant. Women forced to work the land, still did domestic chores, during the famine many women turned to prostitution, sexual abuse common
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What was the women's association?
Dedicated to encourage political activism amongst women. Membership of 76 million.
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Changes in marriage and education
Child marriages and arranged marriages dropped. More girls at school, by 1978 45% of primary school children were girls. PLA offered opportunity to women
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What evidence of improvement in the status of women is there?
Escaped unhappy marriages through divorce, Spoke up and declared their greivences in the "speak bitterness" meetings. Women became political, propaganda challenged traditions
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What are the problems of challenging traditions?
Male attitudes slow to change. Women still had to complete domestic jobs along with communist work, Party cadres didn't enforce the new marriage law. Arranged marriages and foot binding still continued in remote areas.
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Why was an educational reform needed?
Only 42.2% of males and 2.2% females had recieved any schooling. 80% of the country illiterate.
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The growth of literacy
National primary school system introduced. Between 1949 and 1957, number of primary school students rose from 26 million to 64 million. Winter schools provided short courses for adult peasents. Lack of doctors, scientists and tecnhnical experts.
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What is Pinyin?
Chinese language difficult to learn. Symbols varied from region to region, a new form of written language introduced
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What were the faliures of the educational reform?
Education system remained elitist. Education underfunded. Only 6.4% spent on education and culture in 1952. Standard of teaching poor. Winter shcools not effective as many peasents forgot what they had learned from one winter to the next.
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The collapse of education after 1966
During cultural revolution many schools and universities closed. 130 million young people recieved no fromal education. Joined red guards. Teachers often victims of revolutionary violence. Children of party members able to use connections.
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Issues with the healthcare in China?
Rudimentary. practically non-exsitent. Relied on ancient herbal cures to help illness. Due to starvation, immune system easily succumbed to epidemics. Waterborne disease rife.
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What are Barefoot doctors?
Trained for 6 months. Focused on basic skills such as hygiene, stopping the spread of diseas and contraception. Villages had little equipment and low supplies of medicine. Often only source of medical care in villages. By 1973 over a million doctors.
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Success of health care reform
Launched patriotic helath care movemnets. Posters showed illitirate peasents the importants of personal hygeine, use of human fertiliser discouraged. Drain swaps that collected malaria. Many diseases practically eliminated. Life expectancy rose.
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Failures of health care reform
Uneven health provision between urban and rural china. During GLF, communes had health cliniccs, but the impact of famine negated health benefits. Many doctors attacked in Anits campagines. Doctors denounced during CR
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When was the marriage law and what effect did it have?


1950, concubines and arranged marriages banned, equal statues in home as husband, money and gift in return for marriage banned, wife could inherit husbands property, divorce made easier.

Card 3


Negatives of the marriage law


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the impact of collectivisation and communes on the lives of women


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the women's association?


Preview of the front of card 5
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