Isomerism 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: matildalemarquandCreated on: 17-10-19 10:31 What are the two types of isomerism ? Structural isomerism and stereoisomerism 1 of 10 What are the 3 types of structural isomerism ? Functional group, chain and position 2 of 10 What are the 2 types of stereoisomerism ? Geometric and optical isomerism 3 of 10 What is structural isomerism ? Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula 4 of 10 What is stereoisomerism ? Molecules with the same structural formula but atoms/groups are arranged differently in 3D 5 of 10 What is a functional group isomer ? Isomer with different functional groups 6 of 10 What is chain isomerism ? Molecules with different patterns of branching in their carbon chain (eg- butane and methyl-propane) 7 of 10 What is position isomerism ? Molecules with the same functional group is attached but to different carbon atoms in the chain 8 of 10 What is geometric isomerism ? Isomers where groups hold different relative positions in space (eg cis+trans) 9 of 10 What is optical isomerism ? Molecules with non-superimposible mirror images of each other but are otherwise the same 10 of 10
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