Christina Rossetti Selected Poetry

  • Created by: Woolf123
  • Created on: 23-04-19 13:10
1877 Saturday Review (on publication of Goblin Market and other poems)
"There is not much thinking in them, not much high or deep feeling, no passion"
1 of 8
Dante Rossetti- sadly smitten invalid
Rossetti was "an almost constant often a sadly smitten invalid"
2 of 8
Dante Gabriel Rossetti- countenance of death
"She saw the countenance of death very close to her own"
3 of 8
Lynda Palazzo- original sin
Rossetti's work "includes more than a hint that male gender oppression can be interpreted as original sin"
4 of 8
Simon Avery- uncompromising analysis
Rossetti's poems are "uncompromising in their analysis of women's place in society"
5 of 8
Simon Avery- independence and agency
Rossetti's poems encourage women "to claim independencr and agency"
6 of 8
Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar
she was one of the "singer of renunciation" of her time
7 of 8
Simon Avery- dominant masculinity
"Maude Clare is a clear critique of dominant masculinity"
8 of 8

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Card 2


Rossetti was "an almost constant often a sadly smitten invalid"


Dante Rossetti- sadly smitten invalid

Card 3


"She saw the countenance of death very close to her own"


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Rossetti's work "includes more than a hint that male gender oppression can be interpreted as original sin"


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Card 5


Rossetti's poems are "uncompromising in their analysis of women's place in society"


Preview of the back of card 5
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