Christmas Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationAnatomy & physiologyASAQA Created by: SaraDaffeyCreated on: 12-12-14 13:07 What is this component of fitness? AEROBIC CAPACITY 1 of 15 What affects lifestyle, Health and Fitness? SMOKING 2 of 15 What characteristic of capillary membranes allows diffusion to happen? THIN WALLS 3 of 15 Where is the respiratory centre located? MEDULLA 4 of 15 Where are chemoreceptors located? CAROTED ARTERY 5 of 15 What pigment does oxygen combine with in the blood? MYOGLOBIN 6 of 15 Blood flow is slow and has a low pressure when travelling through this.. CAPILLARIES 7 of 15 What increases in the muscles during exercise? TEMPERATURE 8 of 15 In diffusion, what is exchanged from the blood into the muscles? OXYGEN 9 of 15 How is CO2 increase detected? CHEMORECEPTORS 10 of 15 What does air move from? HIGH PRESSURE 11 of 15 What is a way of measuring lung volume? SPIROMETRE 12 of 15 Maximum amount of air in and out VITAL CAPACITY 13 of 15 Tidal volume x Breathing rate= MINUTE VENTILATION 14 of 15 What aids diffusion of gases? CAPILLARY LINKS 15 of 15