All chromatography depends on the ___ set up when a compound distributes itself between two phases? The ___ phase stands still and the ___ phase moves over it?
Equilibrium. Stationary, mobile.
1 of 19
Different compounds distribute themselves between the two phases to ___ ___, so move along the mobile phase at ___ ___?
Differing extents, different speeds
2 of 19
Briefly describe how you would carry out TLC?
Spot a small sample of mixture onto a solid support material placed in a suitable solvent. The solvent now rises up the plate. There should be a series of spots present up the plate. If the spots not coloured use UV light or Iodine: locating agent.
3 of 19
If a compound has a greater affinity for the stationary phase, it does not...?
Get carried as far by the mobile phase.
4 of 19
The compound is said to be ___ onto the surface of the stationary phase?
5 of 19
If a compound has a greater affinity for the mobile phase, it...?
Gets carried further.
6 of 19
The distance a substance travels in paper or TLC depends on what 3 things?
1. The nature of the substance 2.Total distance travelled by the solvent front 3.Conditions under which the chromatography is carried out (temp, type of plate/solvent).
7 of 19
What is the Rf value?
The distance that the substance travels relative to the solvent front.
8 of 19
Rf values are constant for a particular set of conditions, so...?
We can use them to identify the different spots on a chromatogram.
9 of 19
What do the distances a and x represent?
a: distance between spot of substance A and base line. x: distance from base line to top of solvent front
10 of 19
Rf value is equal to...?
11 of 19
The mobile phase in g.l.c is a...?
Unreactive gas called the carrier gas.
12 of 19
The stationary phase in g.l.c. is...?
Small amount of high boiling point liquid held on a finely divided inert solid support. This is packed into a long thin tube called a column.
13 of 19
The column is coiled inside __ ___? The components of the mixture are carried through the column in a..?
An oven. Stream of gas.
14 of 19
The most volatile compounds usually emerge ___?
15 of 19
A ___ on the outlet tube monitors the compounds coming out of the column and signals from the detector are plotted by a ___ as a ___?
Detector, recorder, chromatogram
16 of 19
What is meant by 'retention time'?
The time that a compound is held on a column under given conditions.
17 of 19
Give 4 things that can affect retention time?
1. Packing of the column 2.Nature of carrier gas 3.Flow of carrier gas 4.Temperature of column
18 of 19
The area under each peak depends on...? If the peaks are very sharp, their ___ ___ can be used?
The amount of compound present. Relative heights
19 of 19
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Different compounds distribute themselves between the two phases to ___ ___, so move along the mobile phase at ___ ___?
Differing extents, different speeds
Card 3
Briefly describe how you would carry out TLC?
Card 4
If a compound has a greater affinity for the stationary phase, it does not...?
Card 5
The compound is said to be ___ onto the surface of the stationary phase?
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