What percentage of children are affected by chronic conditions?
Over 30%
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Which chronic illnesses are most common in children?
Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer & Chronic Pain
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How do children with chronic illness differ from normal children?
They develop at a slower rate - they may be physically smaller and less able, and have delay in developmental milestones.
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What are the cognitive and social implications of having a chronic illness?
Time off school - poor educational development and employment. Peer relationships are poor and there is reduced self-esteem.
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What does childhood chronic illness put a significant strain on?
The family functioning
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What is the 'sick role'?
A set of behaviours which are adopted when a person is ill for a long period of time. Includes disengagement, negative coping & depression/helplessness - sometimes seen as a psychosomatic illness in itself.
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Which factors significantly improve treatment outcomes?
Good social support, effective coping and setting goals.
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What are the specific difficulties which apply to children in terms of interventions?
They have smaller social circles and rely heavily on their parents. There is less cognitive development in general so may be a lack of understanding.
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How can parental behaviour affect chronically ill children?
It can be either protective or harmful - effective parental coping is key as children will mimic this.
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Which factors are protective and provide resilience?
Self-esteem, coping strategy, personality and forgiveness - family resilience can also protect from stress.
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What is catastrophising?
A negative coping strategy where people focus on the potential negatives of a situation, and is associated with neuroticism and anxiety.
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What are the most important factors of a childhood illness intervention?
It must be tailored for the child and take into account their physical and cognitive limitations - making treatment less scary.
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Which sort of interventions are effective?
Skill-based programmes, education, communication skills and peer-support.
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What is there a dire need for in this area?
More interventions for family/caregivers
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Which sort of therapy may be particularly helpful for children?
Play therapy
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Which other factors will have an effect on treatment?
Socio-economic status/Country of residence - free healthcare or not
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which chronic illnesses are most common in children?
Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer & Chronic Pain
Card 3
How do children with chronic illness differ from normal children?
Card 4
What are the cognitive and social implications of having a chronic illness?
Card 5
What does childhood chronic illness put a significant strain on?
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