Cicero's Life and Career
- Created by: _abi_666
- Created on: 06-05-17 11:05
Other questions in this quiz
2. How old was Cicero when he served in the army?
- 16
- 18
- 17
- 19
- 21
- 15
- 20
3. What continued to scare Cicero after the Catiline Conspiracy?
- That the optimates would abandon him because he went against their wishes
- That Caesar would no longer be his friend
- in fear of trialor exile for having to put roman citizens to death without trial
- That Catiline may march upon Rome
4. Who did Cicero Marry?
- Publilia, age 27 in 79BC
- Terentia, age 27 in 79BC
- Terentia, age 31 in 83BC
- Tullia, age 24 in 76BC
- Tullia, age 29 in 81BC
- Octavia, age 30 in 82BC
5. What were the Catiline Orations an example of?
- Cicero's ability to write outstanding works.
- Cicero's outstanding rhetoric skills
- Cicero's ability to be an outstanding defence lawyer
- Cicero's outstanding persuasive skills
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