Why do large organisms need a specialised exchange surface?
Their low surface area to volume ratio and activity means that simple diffusion via the bodys surface will not be effective enough
1 of 18
Name four features of a specialised exchange system
- Suitable medium to carry materials - A form of mass transport - A closed system of tubular vessles to carry materials all around the body - A mechanism for moving the transport medium within vessels
2 of 18
Which suitable medium is used in mammals to transport materials?
3 of 18
Why are water based mediums used for transport of materials?
Most materials such as nutrient and ions readily dissolve in water, also water can turn into a gas
4 of 18
What is mass transport?
A means of transporting large amounts of a material faster than diffusion over large distances
5 of 18
What is required to move the transport medium within vessels?
A pressure differene between different parts of the system
6 of 18
How do animals transport materials around the body?
By muscular contraction ora specialised pumping organ such as the heart
7 of 18
What mechanism maintains the mass flow of the transport medium in one direction?
8 of 18
What type of circulatory system do mammals have?
Closed, double circulatory system
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What is a double cirulatory system?
In one cycle the blood passes through the heart twice
10 of 18
Why do mammals need a double circulatory system?
To maintain a relatively high blood pressure as mammals have a high body temperature and a high rate of metabolism
11 of 18
What are he three types of blood vessel in a mammals circulatory system?
- Arteries - Veins - Capillaries
12 of 18
Which blood vessel joins the right ventricle of the heart to the capillaries of the lungs?
Pulmonary artery
13 of 18
Which blood vessel carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?
14 of 18
Which blood vessel is the first main blood vessel that an oxygen molecule reaches after being absorbed from an alveolus?
Pulmonary vein
15 of 18
Which blood vessel has the highest blood pressure?
16 of 18
Which blood vessel carries blood to the heart from the rest of the body?
Vena cava
17 of 18
Which blood vessel carries blood from the lungs to the heart?
Pulmonary vein
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name four features of a specialised exchange system
- Suitable medium to carry materials - A form of mass transport - A closed system of tubular vessles to carry materials all around the body - A mechanism for moving the transport medium within vessels
Card 3
Which suitable medium is used in mammals to transport materials?
Card 4
Why are water based mediums used for transport of materials?
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