Citizenship Key Words 0.0 / 5 ? Citizenship StudiesAll key wordsGCSEEdexcel Created by: JakeTheEpicOne07Created on: 04-05-15 16:48 Suffrage Suffrage is the right to vote! 1 of 16 Multicultural Multicultural is something made up of many diferent cultures 2 of 16 Democracy Democracy is rule by the people 3 of 16 Devolution Devolution is the passing of powers from the central government to regional govenments. 4 of 16 Community Cohesion When a whole of society works together for a common cause and a better understanding between communities. 5 of 16 Discrimination Discrimination is someone treating certain people unfairly because of their prejudices. 6 of 16 Stereotype Stereotype is a commonly held belief about a group of people. 7 of 16 Prejudice Prejudice is thinking badly of other people without good reason 8 of 16 Free Press Free press is when information is uncensored and people can express their opinions without interference from the government 9 of 16 Libel Lies in print media 10 of 16 Slander lies in broadcast media 11 of 16 Civil Law Civil laws solve disputes which may be between individuals, businesses or organisations. 12 of 16 Criminal Law Criminal law attempt to maintain law and order to protect citizens. 13 of 16 Contract A contract is an agreement between two people, they both promise to do something. 14 of 16 Referral Order When you have to meet the panel to agree how you could put right any harm you've done 15 of 16 Free Press Information is uncensored and people can express their opinions without interference from the government 16 of 16
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