individuals can bring about changes within their community if they become active citizens by joining one or more local group.
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pressure group
pressure groups try to influence the policy of local or national government, try to influence those in power to make changes to laws.
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the pressure group mentioned above have different ways of campaigning and attracting people's attention to gain support for their cause.
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target group
direct action is a form of protest used to bring an issue to the attention of the target group and the general public.
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direct action
direct action occurs when a group of people take an action which is intended to reveal an existing problem, highlight and alternative, or demonstrate a possible solution to a social issue.
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indirect action
indirect action is campaigning by letter writing, making and distributing leaflets (to raise awareness), petitioning, lobbying members of parliament (MPs), and E-campaigning (the use of the internet to send emails and to create E-petitions)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
pressure group
pressure groups try to influence the policy of local or national government, try to influence those in power to make changes to laws.
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