CIV1A Architecture Dates

  • Created by: Anya
  • Created on: 05-01-14 12:14
When was the Temple of Hera Basilica at Paestum made?
550-500 BC
1 of 8
When was the Temple of Hera 2 at Paestum made?
474- 450 BC
2 of 8
What was made from 465- 457 BC?
Temple of Zeus at Olympia
3 of 8
What was made in 338- 330 BC?
Phillipeon at Olympia
4 of 8
What was built in 447- 432 BC?
The Parthenon
5 of 8
When was the Temple of Athena Nike built?
427- 421 BC
6 of 8
When was the Erechetheion built?
421- 406 BC
7 of 8
What was made 360- 330 BC?
Tholos of Epidaurus
8 of 8

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Card 2


When was the Temple of Hera 2 at Paestum made?


474- 450 BC

Card 3


What was made from 465- 457 BC?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was made in 338- 330 BC?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was built in 447- 432 BC?


Preview of the front of card 5
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