For what years were President Eisenhower in power?
1953 to 1961
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In what year was Kennedy assassinated?
3 of 16
What action did Truman take to combat job discrimination and unequal hiring?
Set up the FECP (1945) Set up the 'Fair Employment Board' (1948) Set up the CGCC (1951)
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Why were Truman's attempts to build more houses for Blacks unsuccessful?
There were fewer houses available in the government's housing units than in the slums that they replaced, this left more blacks homeless.
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What were the aims of Truman's civil rights committee?
Their report called for: anti-lynching legislation, abolition of the poll tax, voting rights laws and an end to discrimination in the armed forces.
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In what years did Eisenhower create his unsuccessful civil rights acts?
1957 and 1960
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When did the Montgomery bus boycott take place?
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How did the federal government help blacks between 1953 and 1961?
Supreme Court rulings were pro-equality (BROWN court case) and Eisenhower was forced to intervene with federal troops to protect blacks during the Little Rock crisis.
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In what ways was there more black activism under Eisenhower than there had been under Truman?
The success of the Montgomery bus boycott encouraged blacks and brought Martin Luther King forward as a campaign leader. Martin Luther King then formed the SCLC and went on to lead successful peaceful protests in the early 60's.
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When was the body of Emmett Till found and why was his death significant?
The body was found in 1955. It was the first time a group of white men had been charged with the murder of a black man in Mississippi. (however the verdict was still 'not guilty')
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Name seven peaceful protests carried out by Martin Luther King between 1960 and 1966.
Sit-ins (1960) Albany (1961) Freedom rides (1961) Birmingham (1963) March on Washington (1963) Selma (1965) Chicago (1966)
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In what ways did the views of Malcom X differ from the views of Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King believed in non-violence and peaceful protests. Malcom X criticised Martin Luther King's non-violent methods and famously said 'blacks should defend themselves by any means necessary'.
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Why did Malcom X and the Black Panthers violent methods appeal to Northern blacks?
They were growing tired of slow progress which they blamed on Martin Luther King's peaceful protests. They believed riots and radicalisation would achieve faster results.
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Why may violent methods have been less effective?
Whites ended up having to pay for damage caused by violent protests (e.g. ghetto riots in Chicago) and this would cause more racial tension.
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What did Johnson do to help blacks?
He passed Kennedy's civil rights bill which had been unsuccessful in 1962. He also passed a voting rights act to fill holes in the civil rights bill.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
For what years were President Eisenhower in power?
1953 to 1961
Card 3
In what year was Kennedy assassinated?
Card 4
What action did Truman take to combat job discrimination and unequal hiring?
Card 5
Why were Truman's attempts to build more houses for Blacks unsuccessful?
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