CLA English Language AQA A Level 0.0 / 5 ? English LanguageChild language acquisitionA2/A-levelAQA Created by: PattyMascallCreated on: 11-01-22 15:10 Who was Behaviourist Theory? Skinner 1 of 20 Who was Cognitive Theory? Piaget 2 of 20 Who was Social Interaction Theory? Bruner 3 of 20 Who was Nativist Theory? Chomsky 4 of 20 Which theories are described as "nurture" theories? Behaviourist and Social Interaction 5 of 20 which theories are described as "nature" theories? Nativist and Cognitive 6 of 20 What does Cognitive theory propose? Children understand a concept before developing the language Children are egocentric up to about 7. 7 of 20 What supports Cognitive Theory? Nelsons first 50 word study 'Fis' phenomenon Brown's order of grammatic development, (ing before ed) 8 of 20 What criticises Cognitive Theory? children with learning difficulties aren’t impacted. 9 of 20 What does Behaviourist theory propose? Imitation, Positive/Negative Reinforcement help children to learn language. 10 of 20 What supports Behaviourist theory? Genie, Accents/Dialects 11 of 20 What criticises Behaviourist Theory? -Children make mistakes -Theory was tested on rats/pigeons -Children go through same stages same time -Adult speech is fragmented/corrupt 12 of 20 What does Social Interaction theory propose? Interaction provides a LASS (Language Acquisition support system) scaffold Child Directed Speech (CDS) is important. E.g -Interrogatives -Tag questions -Pauses -Repetition -Simple sentences 13 of 20 What supports Social Interaction Theory? -Genie -Jim(Deaf parents, underdeveloped speech) -babies singsong intonation 14 of 20 What criticises Social Interaction Theory? Non-western culture kids learn language like adults (not CDS). 15 of 20 What does Vygotsky argue? Children need More Knowledgeable Other to move out of their Zone of Proximal Development. 16 of 20 What does Nativist Theory propose? Language is learnt Innately (naturally) We have a LAD (language acquisition device – universal grammar 17 of 20 What supports Nativist Theory? -Wug test -Brown’s meaning relations -Virtuous errors – overgeneralization -Overextensions 18 of 20 What criticises Nativist theory? -Tomasello (usage based theory) -genie 19 of 20 What does Lennesburg argue? We have a critical period of LAD 20 of 20
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