Skinner argues that children acquire language through imitating others (parroting). Positive reinforcement and encouragement
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Arguments for imitation theory
Children do sometimes copy words. Accents- children listen to the words around them, imitate them and therefore acquire an accent
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Limitations of the imitation theory
children say grammatically incorrect sentences that adults would not say and are often immune to correction. Children make intelligent mistakes.
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So, the imitation theory does not take into account...
the fact that children cannot acquire grammar through speech. All children seem to pass through the same stages of development regardless of cultural attitudes.
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the Cognition theory
Piaget argues that children can only use linguistic devices when they understand the concept. There are 3 areas.
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Recognising that the object exists outside of the interaction (18 months)
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Being able to classify objects and understand linguistic categories
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Can put things in order, thereby understanding comparatives and superlatives
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Weaknesses of the Cognitive theory
An influence that is arguably overrated, some people with mental disabilities can still speak. It underestimates the role of interaction
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Vygotsky and the MKO
Vygotsky refined Piaget's theory to include the MKO as the developement is biological and social
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Innateness theory (Nativism)
Chomsky argued that children have an innate ability to understand and acquire language when exposed to language from birth. They are able to understand language as they have been programmed to do so- they have a LAD
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Lenenberg developed the theory to include a critical development period- up until puberty, a child must be exposed to language in order to develop properly
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Nativism links to Behaviourism and the Cognitive theory
Nativism: Intelligent mistakes show children actively trying to apply the rules of grammar. Cognitive theory: brain development, both biological theories
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Weaknesses of Innateness theory
Some mistakenly interpret the theory as implying that acquisition will occur automatically. It underestimates the power and role of language as a social phenomenon (although Lenenberg refined this part of the theory)
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Input theory
Bruner stresses the role of interaction. Developed LASS to help children develop language - motheries and caretakers
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Input theory links to the Imitation theory
Rather than the child copy, they need pointers e.g. speaking slower, use of simple grammar, higher pitch
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Input theory links to the Cognitive theory
When you consider Vygotsky and the MKO
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Weaknesses of the Input theory
'Poverty of stimulus', in a lot of households children do not get the focused attention needed although they do still develop normally
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Summary of all
In order to understand CLA, social and biological factors must be considered, all theories have merits and interlink with each other, all 4 theories stress the importance of social interaction
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Children do sometimes copy words. Accents- children listen to the words around them, imitate them and therefore acquire an accent
Arguments for imitation theory
Card 3
children say grammatically incorrect sentences that adults would not say and are often immune to correction. Children make intelligent mistakes.
Card 4
the fact that children cannot acquire grammar through speech. All children seem to pass through the same stages of development regardless of cultural attitudes.
Card 5
Piaget argues that children can only use linguistic devices when they understand the concept. There are 3 areas.
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