Class: Internal Factors; Marketisation and Selection 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyEducationA2/A-levelAQA Created by: MackenzieDeardenCreated on: 22-05-18 17:34 What do schools operate within? A wider education system whose policies affect the process we have already studied 1 of 14 What do these policies include? Marketisation and selection 2 of 14 What did Marketisation bring in? A funding formula, exam league tables and competition 3 of 14 How has marketisation affected popular schools? Due to them having high league tables, they have more students, so they get more money for the school 4 of 14 How has marketisation affected unpopular schools? They have low league tables, so they have less students, which means they receive less money for their school 5 of 14 What did Gillborn and Youdell study? The A*-C economy and the educational triage 6 of 14 What is the A*-C economy linked to? Publishing league tables 7 of 14 What do schools need as many pupils to get? A*-C at GCSE 8 of 14 Therefore, schools ration their time, effort and resources to focus on what? Only those students who they believe will get a grade C or above 9 of 14 What is this process called? Triage 10 of 14 What is setting? Based on ability 11 of 14 What is streaming? Splitting into groups 12 of 14 What is cream skimming? Selecting higher ability pupils, who gain the best results and cost less to teach 13 of 14 What is silt shifting? Off loading pupils with learning difficulties, who are expensive to teach and get poor results 14 of 14
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