Climate Change Quizsearch 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyClimate changeGCSEAQA Created by: 19f.gunnerCreated on: 26-05-22 14:14 The effect caused by humans as a result of industrialisation, which increases the temperature of the Earth Enhanced greenhouse effect 1 of 7 Every 100,000 years the Earths orbit goes from circular to ovular Eccentricity 2 of 7 Over time the sun gives out more or less solar radiation. Solar output 3 of 7 Oceans are heated by increasing temperatures which leads to water expanding and higher sea levels Thermal expansion 4 of 7 Ice melts which means there is more water in the oceans Eustatic sea level change 5 of 7 Action to reduce emisssions that cause climate change Mitigation 6 of 7 Action to manage the risks of climate change impacts Adaptation 7 of 7
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