Climatic Hazards 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyNatural hazardsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: india3010Created on: 07-12-15 10:09 The pressure in an anti cyclone is above...... 1000 1 of 33 What do wide spaced isobars show Gental winds 2 of 33 What do close isobars show Turbulance 3 of 33 What type of clouds bring heavy showers, thuder and lightning? Cubulonimbus 4 of 33 What type of clouds bring warm rain? Stratus Clouds 5 of 33 What clouds are just clouds and bring no weather? Cirrus 6 of 33 What type of clouds bring prolonged rain? Cumulus 7 of 33 On a synoptic chart is the warm front shown by half moons or bunting? Half moons that are red 8 of 33 On a synoptic chart is the cold front shown by half moons or bunting? Bunting that is blue 9 of 33 What types of weather happen in the summer through high pressure High temperature, few clouds, calm wind, low humidity 10 of 33 What types of weather happen in the winter through high pressure Low temperature, few to no clouds, little wind, no humidity 11 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the SE? Tropical Continental 12 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the SW? Tropical Maritime 13 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the S? Returning Polar maritime 14 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the NW? Polar Maritime 15 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the N? Artic Maritime 16 of 33 What air mass effecting the UK comes from the E? Polar Continental 17 of 33 What is caused by low pressure, snow and strong winds Blizzared 18 of 33 What is caused by a high pressure anti cyclone Frost 19 of 33 What is caused by a temperature inversion Fogg 20 of 33 What is caused by an anti cyclone with no rain Drought 21 of 33 What is caused by warm air and little clouds Heat Wave 22 of 33 What happens after a depression or anti-cyclone Storm 23 of 33 What happens when warm air is pushed up and meets the cold front Gail 24 of 33 What is a compound hazard? An event which produces many hazardous impacts 25 of 33 What is the Coriolis effect? Deflecting force produced by the rotation of the earth 26 of 33 What is a Hurricane? A tropical storm in the Atlantic 27 of 33 What is a Typhoon? A tropical storm in the Western Pacific 28 of 33 What is a Cyclone? A tropical storm in Southern Asia 29 of 33 What is an eye? The central area of a tropical storm by calm conditions 30 of 33 What is a depression? Low pressure system caused when warm air masses rise over colder air masses 31 of 33 What is an easterly wave An area of low pressure that travels eas with the trade wind zone 32 of 33 What is Latent heat? The heat that is either released or absorbed by an air mass as it changes state 33 of 33
Are coastal areas are more vulnerable to climatic hazards than areas inland. 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
'impacts from earth hazards owe more to physical factors than human factors' How far do you agree?: essay plan 0.0 / 5
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