Cloning 0.0 / 5 ? ScienceEnvironmental changeGCSEAQA Created by: hollywoottonCreated on: 03-06-15 10:39 Type of plant cloning that can be produced quickly and cheaply Cuttings 1 of 10 How are animal clones made? Embryo Transplants 2 of 10 Give one disorder and understanding of the development of the embryo Age 3 of 10 What an cloning help to preserve? Endangered Species 4 of 10 Give a health issue that Dolly the sheep had Arthritis 5 of 10 Why are people worried about human cloning in the future in babies? Disability 6 of 10 What is the growth medium that tissue culture is grown in? Agar 7 of 10 What does the embryo's do as they develop? Split 8 of 10 What is the type of cloning that is quickly produced in little space and grown all year round? Tissue Culture 9 of 10 Cloning is a ...... topic? Controversial 10 of 10
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