coastal landforms

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 11-05-23 18:13
what is a beach?
A beach is a depositional landform that stretches from roughly the low tide to the high tide line

Larger sediment is found toward the top of the beach

angularity of sediment increases towards the cliff
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what is a spit?
Occur when the coast suddenly changes direction

If a barrier beach is separated from the mainland, it becomes a barrier island

Common in areas with low tidal ranges
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what is a tombolo?
Bar or beach that connects the mainland to an offshore island

Formed due to wave refraction off the coastal island reducing wave velocity
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what is an offshore bar?
An offshore region where sand is deposited ,as the waves don’t have enough energy to
carry the sediment to shore

sediment input into the coastal zone

Also formed when backwash removes sediment from a beach
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what is coastal vegetation?
Vegetation is essential in stabilising coastal landforms such as dunes

Roots of plants bind soil together which helps to reduce erosion

ants reduce the wind speed at the surface and so less wind erosion occurs
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what are sand dunes?
Wind blows sand landwards from beach or offshore bar

Large tidal range allows the sand to dry, so that it is light enough to be picked up and carried by the wind to the back of the beach
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what are the stages of dune succession?
Pioneer species are able to survive in the salty sand, its roots helping to bind the dunes together

Decaying organic matter adds nutrients and humus to the soil allowing marram
grass to grow

Climatic climax occurs when trees are able to colonise the ar
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what is marram grass?
pioneer plant

adapted to reduce water loss through transpiration

roots grow up to 3 metres deep and can tolerate temperatures of up to 60oC
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what are saltmarshes and mudflats?
occur in sheltered areas such as behind a

Pioneer plants colonise the transition zone, leading to more sediment becoming trapped

A meadow is formed as sections of the salt marsh rise above the high tide level
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a spit?


Occur when the coast suddenly changes direction

If a barrier beach is separated from the mainland, it becomes a barrier island

Common in areas with low tidal ranges

Card 3


what is a tombolo?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is an offshore bar?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is coastal vegetation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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