A set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process.
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The addition of energy and/or matter going into the system.
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Energy and/or matter that exits the system.
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A part of the system where energy/mass is stored or transformed.
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A form of linkage between one store/component and another that involves movement of energy or mass.
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Things that make up a system.
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Perceived characteristics of the elements in a system (eg, important, dominant, seasonal).
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How elements (with their attributes) work together.
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The structure of the system lies within a boundary.
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Open System
A material system in which mass or energy can be lost or gained to the environment. (Inputs and outputs).
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What is dynamic equilibrium?
When there is a balance of inputs and outputs in a system.
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Why is the coast an open system?
As the coastal zone consists of inputs, processes and outputs. (The system approach defines the components that interact, their relationships to each other and their place within a sequence).
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Definition of the coast?
The dynamic interface where land and sea meet. Involving the hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere to create our varied coasts.
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What type of system is the Earth?
Closed, as there's no inputs or outputs of energy or mass.
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What is the hydrosphere?
All the waters on the Earth's surface, such as lakes and seas. (Sometimes including water over the Earth's surface, such as clouds).
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What is the biosphere?
The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth occupied by living organisms.
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What is the lithosphere?
The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
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What is the atmosphere?
The envelope of gases surrounding the earth.
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What is a cascading system?
When systems can be lined in a chain, with transfer of energy and mass along them.
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What 4 factors affect our dynamic coasts?
Land, sea, weather/climate, humans.
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What does the factor of land consist of?
Shape of coast, wind shape&direction, presence/lack of beach, structure of coast, resistance of rocks, subaerial processes, river sediments, coastal ecosystems on land.
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What does the factor of sea consist of?
Coastal marine ecosystems, wave energy&direction, size and type of wave, tidal change, water depth, offshore sediments, long term changes in sea level.
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What does the factor of weather and climate consist of?
Wind shape and direction, precipitation, relief, temperature, storms and surges.
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What does the factor of humans consist of?
Intervention in natural systems, temperature, use of land for developement, exploitation of resources, long term changes in sea level.
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What is a landform?
Natural features of the solid surface of the earth.
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What is terrain made up of?
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What is a landscape?
The arrangement of these landforms.
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What is topography?
Another word for landscapes, the arrangement of the landforms.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The addition of energy and/or matter going into the system.
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