
  • Created by: libbi15
  • Created on: 04-05-15 15:47
Name the two different types of waves.
Constructive and destructive.
1 of 17
What are 3 properties of a destructive wave?
Strong swash, weak backwash and high in height.
2 of 17
What are 3 properties of a constructive wave?
Weak swash, strong backwash and low in height.
3 of 17
What is the definition of a coast?
The part if the land that joins the sea.
4 of 17
What are the 3 main types of coastal processes?
Erosional, weathering and mass movement.
5 of 17
What is subaeriel weathering?
Weathering that takes place on land, above the sea.
6 of 17
What is marine weathering?
Weathering that takes place within the sea.
7 of 17
Name 5 examples of mass movement.
Landslides, soil creep, slumping, rock fall and mud flow.
8 of 17
What is erosion?
The moving force of nature that wears away land.
9 of 17
What is deposition?
When the sea loses energy, it drops the sediment it has been carrying.
10 of 17
What is transportation?
The movement of eroded material.
11 of 17
What is mass movement?
The movement of large material: fast or slow.
12 of 17
Name 3 erosional coastal features.
Wave cut notch, wave cut platform and cliff retreat.
13 of 17
What is a longshore drift
The movement of beach sediment along the shoreline.
14 of 17
What factors affect coastal recession?
Geology, fetch, wave type, coastal management.
15 of 17
Name 5 hard engineering methods?
Sea wall, groynes, rip rap, breakwater, revetments.
16 of 17
Name the soft engineering methods?
Beach replenishment, natural beach, managed retreat, cliff regrading.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Strong swash, weak backwash and high in height.


What are 3 properties of a destructive wave?

Card 3


Weak swash, strong backwash and low in height.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The part if the land that joins the sea.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Erosional, weathering and mass movement.


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards




I believe there is a problem with cards 2 and 3. The properties of constructive and destructive waves have been mixed up. See The New Wider World by David Waugh pg 300; Edexcel IGCSE Geography Student Book by Michael Witherick & Steve Milner pg 34 for correct definitions and properties. However , the diagram on pg 34 of the latter text has been mislabeled hence leading to confusion.

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