Coasts - Waves and system definitions 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCoastal environmentsASAQA Created by: claudiafleetwoodCreated on: 29-03-15 12:24 What is a Coast A Coast is an open system 1 of 7 Inputs into a Coastal system Tides, wave energy, storms, sediment from rivers 2 of 7 Processes in a Coastal system Erosion, deposition, transportation, longshore drift 3 of 7 Outputs in a Coastal system Beaches, cliffs, caves, weathering, mass movement 4 of 7 Waveheight Distance between crest and trough 5 of 7 Wave period Time it takes for wave to travel through one wavelength 6 of 7 Wavelength Distance between two crests 7 of 7
AS Geography Edexcel- Unit 2 (Crowded Coasts) Revision Notes with case studies 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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