Cognitive Development 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyCognitive PsychologyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: teddy4Created on: 02-06-16 19:41 Belief that cog dev occurs due to bio maturation and then through social interaction with an env Vygotsky 1 of 12 Bio maturation then physical interaction with their environment Piaget 2 of 12 Report changed the education system forever. It made it more child centred. Plowden Report 3 of 12 Massively influenced by Piaget and used 84 Chicago Boys in their experiment Kohlberg 4 of 12 AO3 for Kolhberg Gender Bias 5 of 12 Theory used in understanding of others Selman 6 of 12 Type of sense of self, comes first Objective 7 of 12 Type of sense of self, comes second Subjective 8 of 12 Who believes that mirror neurons will do for pysch, what DNA did for biology Ramachandran 9 of 12 The task that Piaget used to investigate egocentric perspective taking Three Mountains task 10 of 12 AO3 issue for both Piaget and Vygotsky Culturally Biased 11 of 12 What is said to develop around the age of 4 in children Theory of Mind 12 of 12
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