Cognitive Development - Key Terms 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyCognitive DevelopmentGCSEOCR Created by: AnomymousCreated on: 01-05-16 09:28 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Age related changes,linking to thinking ability. 1 of 5 INVARIANT STAGES The same stages in a fixed order, which the development of a child's ability to think goes through. 2 of 5 UNIVERSAL STAGES The order of the development of thinking that is the same for children everywhere. 3 of 5 CONSERVATION The logical rule that the quantity doesn't change, even when things are re-arranged. 4 of 5 ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT The gap between where a child is in their learning and they can potentially get to with the help and support of others. 5 of 5
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