Cold War, Dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe Cold WarGCSEAll boards Created by: Harvey334Created on: 31-03-18 15:57 Postdam 1945 1 of 27 Iron curtain speech 1946 2 of 27 Truman Doctrine (Ext. month) 1947 (March) 3 of 27 Marshall plan (Ext. month) 1947 (June) 4 of 27 Cominform (Ext. month) 1947 (Sept) Direction response to MP 5 of 27 Berlin Blockade 1948 6 of 27 End of Berlin Blockade 1949 7 of 27 Formation of NATO 1949 8 of 27 Death of Stalin 1953 9 of 27 Warsaw Pact 1955 10 of 27 Hungarian uprising 1956 11 of 27 U2 spy plane shotdown 1960 12 of 27 Bay of pigs invasion 1961 13 of 27 Berlin Wall 1961 14 of 27 Cuban Missle Crisis 1962 15 of 27 Invasion of czechoslovakia (prague spring) 1968 16 of 27 SALT1 1972 17 of 27 Joint space venture 1975 18 of 27 Invasion of Afghanistan 1979 19 of 27 Boycott of USSR olympics 1980 20 of 27 When was SDI announced 1983 21 of 27 Boycott of USA olympics 1984 22 of 27 Sinatra Doctrine 1987 23 of 27 Last soviet troops leave Afghanistan 1989 24 of 27 Fall of ther Berlin wall 1989 25 of 27 Strategic Arms Reduction (START) - Formally agreed 1991 26 of 27 End of the Soviet Union 1991 27 of 27
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