Cold War Leadup Quiz

When was the Potsdam Conference?
July 17 1945
1 of 10
Who were "The Big Three"?
Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt
2 of 10
Who told Stalin INITIALLY about the Atomic Bomb?
Soviet Spies
3 of 10
What was the Yalta Conference about?
the Division of Germany Post War
4 of 10
What was the Eastern Bloc?
the Coalition of Communist States
5 of 10
When was the Berlin Blockade set up?
June 24 1948
6 of 10
When was the Soviet Exapnsion?
1945 - 1953
7 of 10
What were the two Economical Ideas that conflicted?
Capitalism and Communism
8 of 10
When was the Soviet Union Founded?
October 1 1922
9 of 10
When was the Yalta Conference?
February 4 1945
10 of 10

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Card 2


Who were "The Big Three"?


Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt

Card 3


Who told Stalin INITIALLY about the Atomic Bomb?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Yalta Conference about?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the Eastern Bloc?


Preview of the front of card 5
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